
| Victoria Banaszak

Noughty makes The Handbook Top 11 non-alcoholic drinks.

It's time to say goodbye to these alcoholic spirits for a month after a sparkling Christmas and New Year's celebration with all the alcohol and fun. Dry January,, was launched to encourage and support those that want to go alcohol-free for a month and realise life benefits without it. But it gets difficult to leave alcohol instantly. London’s premium, what to do, where to go magazine, The Handbook, has curated a list of alcohol-free wines, sprites, and beers. This list has the tastiest alcohol-free wines, mixtures, and beverages. 

Fluère, Nonsuch Shrubs, Wilfred’s, Saicho, Thomson & Scott noughty wines are among the top 11 non-alcoholic beverages. Thomson & Scott produces two non-alcoholic wines, one is Chardonnay, and the other is Rosé. Both these non-alcoholic wines are perfect to pop up at any celebration. Not only is this wine de-alcoholized, but it’s also organic and vegan. These non-alcoholic wines are safe to drink during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Each glass of Sparkling Organic Chardonnay has only 14 calories with 2.9g of sugar per 100ml, which is less than any other wine without alcohol. 

The Handbook recommends these exquisite wines for sailing through Dry January but what about Dry July? Non-alcoholic wines and beers are becoming an industry of $1.6ton million. In the wake of the pandemic, changing lifestyles, and health reasons, non-alcoholic wines, and beers have become increasingly popular.
