
How to host an alcohol-free wine tasting party | VE Refinery

Ever wanted to add a touch of sophistication and fun to your next gathering? Hosting an inclusive, alcohol-free blind wine tasting could be the perfect way! You don't have to know anything about wines - it's all part of the mystery. So grab some friends and get ready for an evening full of suprises as you sample different kinds (nonalcoholic) varieties like never before! No matter what lifestyle choices are made by guests, they can join in on this unique experience with no judgement or hesitation.


 How to host an alcohol-free wine tasting party | VE Refinery



Treat friends, family and party-goers to a truly unique experience with the exciting game of blind tasting! In this blend without boundaries, participants are challenged to sample alcohol-free wines in order determine their origin, producer and vintage amongst other criteria. Keep everyone guessing until it's time for one lucky winner to reap rewards - while runners up suffer comical penalties as punishment (or reward!) either way; there'll be lots of laughs along the way. Raise your glasses for an unforgettable night filled with mystery sips that tantalize all tasters' taste buds alike!


Food scout Richard Kägi has found that this practice helps him avoid long-winded wine conversations and confusing ratings systems. By removing the labels from any bottle, guests will be unable to rely on preconceived notions of quality for their own experience! All you need are the right supplies and an easy step-by-step guide to get started.



You just need a few budget-friendly items (perhaps you can already find them in your home), including:

  • Two or more varieties of wine to be tasted
  • Glasses, the number of which is based on how many guests are expected.
  • Opaque materials such as aluminum foil, to cover the labels and build suspense
  • Markers, to number the bottles and keep track of the varieties of wine
  • A receptacle for the tasted wine, in the case that guests prefer to “spit”
  • Prizes, if you wish to reward the winner


Taste the full flavor of wine without worrying about headaches, hangovers, or a "spit bucket"! At VE Refinery we are proud to provide our customers with an amazing selection of alcohol-free wines that keep any occasion inclusive and enjoyable. With zero compromises on taste or style - treat your palate to something special!


How to host an alcohol-free wine tasting party | VE Refinery




In order to maintain the enthusiasm of all guests equally, we offer great blind tasting options for guests who prefer not to consume alcohol and want to be part of the party too. Host an exciting and enjoyable blind tasting with the help of our phenomenal range of non-alcoholic wines. Stay away from overcomplicating the fun. Remember, first and foremost, wine should provide pleasure.


How to host an alcohol-free wine tasting party | VE Refinery



For an indulgent experience without the high-proof, look no further than Thomson & Scott Noughty Organic Vegan Sparkling Chardonnay! With robust flavour and a bubbly finish, this delicious non-alcoholic sparkling wine will keep your guests wondering whether you accidentally served them champagne instead. 



If you're looking for a guilt-free way to indulge in the finer things, then look no further. Noughty Organic Vegan Alcohol-Free Sparkling Rosé from Thomson & Scott is perfect - offering sublime taste and just 18 calories per glass with only 4 grams of sugar per 100 ml! If your opinion on dealcoholized rosé has been that it's inferior, think again: this luxurious bottle will show you otherwise.



Enjoy a night of flavor without the consequences with Thomson & Scott's Noughty Rouge Alcohol-Free! This delectable red wine is carefully dealcoholized to an ABV under 0.5%, all while keeping its robust taste and offering only 14 calories per glass and 25 grams sugar in every 100 ml, making it perfect for those looking to relish the experience of drinking but not suffer any morning after effects.


If you're ready to add some extra sparkle to your next gathering a blind alcohol-free wine tasting party is the perfect way! Not only can everyone join in, from pregnant and breastfeeding ladies and designated drivers through to those that are sober curious or abstaining - there's something for all. What's more, you don't need any prior experience - just gather up some drinks of different varieties, add an element of mystery by covering them all with identical wrappers then let the fun begin! So why not make your get-togethers even better than before with this great activity?
