Looking for a simple and affordable way to spice up a boring party? We might have just the thing with our blind alcohol-free wine tasting guide!
Download your free copy and learn how to easily host a fun wine tasting event that will lift up the spirit of family gatherings, parties, Swiss National Days or any other joyful occasion.

Never hosted a blind tasting event before? Don't worry! We show you how, in a fun, easy and budget-friendly way.
And you don't even have to be an expert sommelier or carry expensive supplies. You can literally host your blind tasting event the same day with just a few wine bottles and things you can find around the house.

We at VE Refinery, are proud to share with you our list of curated alcohol-free sparkling wines that are healthier, hangover free and taste fantastic.
If you feel you belong to the health-conscious community but still want to enjoy great wines, then our range of alcohol-free, organic, vegan and halal-certified sparkling wines might just be what you've always been looking for.
This free eBook contains everything you need to host your own alcohol-free wine blind tasting event at home. Just input your name and email address, and you'll soon become the envy of every party in town!